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Page history last edited by testmypatience 11 years, 5 months ago

Welcome to SedditUpgrade's WIKI

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The Intentions of Seduction


Seduction. The definition of this word can be taken numerous different ways. However what woman or man does not want to be seduced. The way in which this is done makes a person feel alive, wonderful, sexy, fantastic, etc.


The art of seduction is an old one. There are many terms for seduction. Schmooze, ladies man, silver tongue, pick-up artist. In all ages the art of being social has had different words. Sometimes people have hang-ups for these words while others understand the underlying true and genuine nature of it.


Every woman wants to feel the thrill. No woman wants to be bored and no man wants to be bored either. Many women claim the various men that hit on them to be; try hard, boring, lame, creepy, etc. The ones that go off the beaten path and do interesting things that are real and interesting to them are going to make them happy. Everyone wants to be happy.


Of course in any field of anything you will find those using methods that are not of a good nature. Sometimes very deceptive methods will be used. It is up to the person practicing the social arts if they will use it for good or for evil purposes.


Myths about Seduction: 

  • Learning pick-up / seduction is changing you into someone you are not 
  • (M)PUAs can seduce any women they want. 
  • (M)PUAs never get rejected
  • (M)PUAs can steal another person's girlfriend
  • Every guru is legitimate
  • Every testimonial is legitimate
  • You need to peacock to get women
  • You always need to neg a woman
  • Never give her a compliment
  • You can only meet women in bars and clubs
  • There is a single method in "picking-up" women
  • There is a linear/algorithmic approach
  • 'HB 10' = great personality
  • You should always look for the indicators of interest (IOI's) all the time
  • All women have bitch shields, give out shit tests
  • You should be Alpha all the time
  • You need to have a wingman
  • Always be indirect
  • All women are the same
  • "X said so in this book, so it should always work!"
  • If the technique doesn't work, it's the student's fault


The truth is it isn't supposed to be unnatural. The thing is that some people grew up with certain opportunities and situations that others did not. Some had certain social conditioning that others did not. There are so many factors that determine who you are today that it is just incredible. The point is that you are here now and you want to understand how to get better with women and people in general.


Learning pick-up / seduction is not about changing you into someone different. You aren't trying to become someone else. You are trying to become a better version of yourself. People are basically just a large collection of experience and habits when it comes to personality. So what you can do to upgrade yourself to a better version is by upgrading your habits and gaining new experiences.


When someone says be yourself they do not mean be that whiny boring person. Everyone can show who they really are. You see this when that person is doing something they truly love and are passionate about. A lot of times people are scared that people will pick on them for what they like doing. Truth is that people will probably pick on you for what you like doing sometimes. The solution however lies in the training ahead of you.

Everyone likes a few things in people. These are very common traits. The #1 favored trait in either gender is confidence. Say it with me, confidence. Having an alpha personality is the best of all perspectives. It is taking the best of the nice guy and the best of the super douche and making a super awesome guy. Now if you are a female you can just think of this in your own gender but it is difficult to write in a gender nuetral way. Especially since this is geared towards men. Men and women work similarly at times but when it comes to seduction there are very different roles we take.


Start Your Journey 

There are many levels to this game of life. Start with Step 1 and go from there.


  1. Getting Started - All about you (clothes, exercise, diet, etc.)
  2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 
  3. Intermediate 
  4. Advanced 
  5. Mastery / Natural 








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